A word well known to all Greeks; but it’s not a word, rather its a feeling, and all should know this.
I don’t know if you can fully explain the true meaning of a word that really can’t be written into words – but needs to be experienced!
So, what is kefi?
On the surface, when a Greek mentions the word, kefi, are they be referring to Joy? To Spirit? Passion? Happiness? Triumph? Excitement? Feeling good or even having fun? Just loving life?
Overall, you can see that kefi is simply a word for experiencing something. Something positive!
The real benefit of finding your kefi is finding it when times are not at the best. When things are going well, Everyone has kefi, but what do you do when things aren’t going so well and how do you get back to that kefi kind of place?
Living A Life Full Of Kefi
Our lives are busy. Time rules us. We get 30 minutes for lunch, and if we are lucky a couple of weeks a year of vacation. Life is fast pace. In a sad reality time just passes by faster and faster. We all develop a feeling of looking at the world through a screen.
Stop. Relax. And find your Kefi!
Here are some tips on how to do this but at the end of the day, alter, change, remove, or add whatever makes you feel happy. That’s the point after all.
Let it go. Seriously, life doesn’t always play out. Sometimes you get a flat tire and other times an important meeting/date/event doesn’t go as planned. That is just the way the world works. The more you focus on something that didn’t work out, the longer you will feel down. When life doesn’t work out, you are in total control with respect to how you feel about it. Okay, so that promotion didn’t pan out, who cares. We have to learn to live and let live. Go with the flow.
Live in the moment. Zorba the Greek! Live in the present. Each second that passes we will never get back. Something that precious deserves your full attention. Following this step really works because the worrying stops, or slows down anyhow. We all know that probably 95% of the things we worry about never happen. For some reason, we tend to think of the worst possible scenario, simply because we read that one article or heard that one story. Look, there are anomalies for everything, but they hardly happen. Try it, it is a lot easier in theory I know. Set aside 10 minutes where you do something and only think about what you’re doing. Don’t even think about the 11th minute, just stay in the moment my friend.
Take Naps. Yeah, that’s right. Villages in Greece will more or less shut down for a few hours after lunch. Hey, who doesn’t get a little tired after lunch? So save about 15 minutes of your lunch hour and do nothing. Don’t eat. Don’t talk. Just sit and relax. Try not to think about anything for those 15 minutes. While it doesn’t fully take the place of a nap, it’s a start.
Dance to music by DJ Phil the Thrill! Dance doesn’t discriminate – it invites all. Get up and move your feet. Do it where no one can see you or do it where everybody can. Who cares if anyone does? There are many traditional Greek dances that every Greek knows and does. So get up…be free! Dance! Put on one of your favorite songs and just start moving. Who can stay sad or mad while dancing to their favorite song? Let it go!
Laugh with family and friends. Greeks are very big on gatherings. Try having a meal with a group once a week. It could be family, co-workers, neighbors, roommates, or anyone else you can have a good time with. Share some great Greek recipes with. Stop and live with. You get the picture.
If you do the steps above, does it becomes easier to find your kefi? To feel alive, happy, excited, joyous, etc., There will be times when you may feel a bit lost, that’s okay – just center yourself and rediscover your kefi!
Phil the Thrill is a Disk Jockey – DJ – who performs in Tarpon Springs – Clearwater – St. Petersburg – Sarasota